Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Contracts with Industry

Contract with Astrium on compression of satellite images

Participants : Jeremy Aghaei-Mazaheri, Christine Guillemot, Claude Labit.

  • Title  : Comression of satellite images.

  • Partners : Astrium, Inria-Rennes.

  • Funding : Astrium.

  • Period : Oct.11-Sept.14.

This contract with Astrium (starting in Oct. 2011) addresses the problem of compression of video signals captured from a geostationary satellite. The focus will be on the spatio-temporal modelling of scenes captured by the satellite in order to develop a compact representation taking advantage of the high redundancy present in the video of very high resolution and caracterized by low motion.

Collaboration with Alcatel on robust video compression

Participants : Marco Bevilacqua, Christine Guillemot, Laurent Guillo, Aline Roumy, Velotiaray Toto-Zaratosoa.

  • Title: Self adaptive video codec

  • Funding: Joint research laboratory between INRIA and Alcatel

  • Period: Oct. 2010 - May. 2011.

In the framework of the joint research lab between Alcatel-Lucent and INRIA, we participate in the ADR (action de recherche) Selfnets (or Self optimizing wireless networks). More precisely, we collaborate with the Alcatel-Lucent team on an adaptive video codec. The goal is to design a video codec, which is able to adapt to the existing underlying transport network and/or to the complexity constraint of the encoder. Therefore the video codec has to include

  • Means at the encoder to adapt dynamically the output bitrate to the estimated channel throughput and to the effective transport QoS while maintaining the video quality requirements.

  • Means at the decoder to be resilient to any remaining packet losses.